03 November 2022

It was a great pleasure to meet again our Euro-American Lawyers Group (EALG) colleagues at the 2022 Fall meeting, held this time in Cyprus, between the 27th and the 30th of October.
Rodrigo Jardim Gonçalves attended the event, representing JGSA - Jardim Gonçalves & Associados, the only Portuguese law firm integrating this Association.
The Euro-American Lawyers Group is an international network of independent law firms with members from all over Europe, USA, South America and Middle East. It was founded in 1985 on the premise that law firms can best serve their clients' interests overseas by co-operating with like-minded firms who have local knowledge of and immediate access to the legal system operating in their own jurisdictions.
This year, the Fall meeting took place in Cyprus. Among other subjects covered, we would highlight the extremely interesting litigation cases shared between members, involving reciprocal international jurisdictions. Evidence of the helpful work we can make together in EALG in the good interests of our Clients.